Sades SA810 Gaming Headset Unboxing Video

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Sades SA810 from Bai Sheng on Amazon:

The Sades SA810 Gaming Headset is a 3.5mm headset that comes with a splitter so you can use it in a single headset jack or a separate mic/audio headset jacks, it works with PlayStation 4, PC, or can be used as a mobile phone headset as well. The headband is plastic and seems a bit cheap possibly the likely break point if you put stress on expanding the headset, but the mic is pretty thick and slides up and out of the way.

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Intro SFX:
“Dragon Roaring” by Mike Koenig
“Mouse click sound effect (2)” by Jojikiba

Disclaimer: Bai Sheng Shop provided me with the Sades SA810 to review. All opinions are mine and mine alone.

Updated: May 4, 2017 — 5:03 pm