Teslasz i3 Fitness Watch Video Review with Zeroner App Showcase

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Teslasz i3 fitness tracker: http://prourls.co/Ocoh

This fitness band from Teslaz was one of my favorite despite the fact that sleep data does not sync on iPhone with the Zeroner app but that is true with the VeryFit ID107 and ID105 as well. This watch also tracks arm swings as steps however, this can lead to quite a bit of inaccurace as swinging your arms frequently without walking will make it seem like you walked more steps than you did. I found on a very long and busy day walking I had an inaccuracy of 2,000 on 10,000 steps which is not very good if you want near 100% accuracy on step tracking. That being said the 4 day battery life, 4 different watch interfaces, heart rate monitoring and the fact you can set silent alarms and get text messages, facebook notifications, phone call information on your fitband make this a compelling fitband to recommend despite it’s fault in tracking arm movements. It also simply detaches from the band and plugs itself in to a USB port which is far more efficient than a clamp charging fitband in my opinion.

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You can also buy from Amazon here: http://prourls.co/OtB4

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Intro SFX:
“Dragon Roaring” by Mike Koenig
“Mouse click sound effect (2)” by Jojikiba

Updated: March 28, 2017 — 4:37 pm