Redragon H301 Siren 2 Virtual 7.1 Gaming Headset Video Review

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Redragon Siren 2:
Hear how the mic sounds from this previous Elite Dangerous Live Stream:

The Redragon Siren 2 USB Gaming headset offers virtual 7.1 sound, vibration to help you feel the rumbles, explosions even if the bass range doesn’t quite hit that low. It has 40mm drivers and the ear cups are cushioned and very comfortable to wear for long periods of time. The Redragon Siren 2 also sports a mic mute button on the control box and the vibration feature has a control wheel to adjust how much it outputs. This headset does have a decent mic volume input and clarity but has a small triangle pastic mic that juts just past your left ear, I prefer a boom mic that is adjustable over the mouth personally. The headband of the Siren 2 gaming headset is very flexible and sturdy, no identifiable weak points like plastic headset headbands. The ear cups could use more flexibility to adjust up and down for a better fit over the ear, and the extremely thick braided cable was great for not crimping but ended up feeling bulky and being in the way when having this cord run from the side of your head and often got in the way of my left arm.
Overall the Redragon Siren 2 gaming headset would be 3.5 stars from me, it is well priced and won’t disappoint it just could have used a better mic design and more flexibility around the earcups.

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Intro SFX:
“Dragon Roaring” by Mike Koenig
“Mouse click sound effect (2)” by Jojikiba
