Seree HDV520 Camcorder With HotShoe External Mic and Lens Support

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Seree HDV-520 on Amazon:
Seree Macro / Fish Eye Lens:
Seree 2x Telephoto Lens:

What you get is a very budget friendly 1080p 30fps camcorder that has multiple video filters, supports an external mic and has a HotShoe mount at the top of the camcorder. I also purchased a wide angle lens and 2x telephoto lens for when you want to take close up video of things, the camcorder with default lens is ideal at 2′ or greater distance with video. Easy to use LCD screen with all menu options and video filters are available. This is the best Seree Camcorder I have reviewed to date with higher quality 1080p video than the FPV-14 model, though this camcorder does not have IR Night Vision mode.

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Updated: July 15, 2017 — 4:02 am